1 Upcoming Events in Charlotte, NC
Catch "The Spirit" Live in 2025!
Philadelphia-born singer-songwriter Amos Lee is bringing his mix of folk, blues, pop, and soul to the Ovens Auditorium on April 22nd, 2025, and it's your first chance to hear him performing the music from his acclaimed new album The Spirit - not to mention past albums like Last Days at the Lodge and the #1 hit Mission Bell - live and in person! Tickets for this Amos Lee Charlotte concert are on sale now, but given the underground star's reputation among the musical cognoscenti, there's no telling how long they'll last. If you want to experience the music that the New York Times called a mix of "quiet rapture (and) a quieter desperation" live and in person, don't wait. Check the info below to learn more about The Spirit-supporting tour, and get your Amos Lee Charlotte Tickets from BigStub today!
If you're a fan of great live music, then you have got to bookmark BigStub! With access to more than 10 million tickets for over 100,000 of the hottest concerts, sporting events, theater performances, and live entertainment events of the year (upcoming Amos Lee Charlotte concerts included), we've got you covered no matter your interests or your budget. Check out our website to learn more about the great stuff headed your way in 2025, and get your Amos Lee Charlotte Tickets today!